April 2021| Standpoints | Standard Life Foundation Newsletter

29 April 2021

Our final deadline for funding applications this year is fast approaching. If you are planning to apply for funding you have only five weeks to get your application in. If you have an idea for a campaign, research or policy project which will improve living standards for people on low-to-middle incomes, we want to hear from you by Thursday 3rd June.

Project in focus: IPPR Scotland

In recent years the Scottish Parliament has held an increasingly important role in improving the financial well-being of its citizens, with new powers over tax and benefits. While there have been targets set on reducing child poverty, wider work on social security has been more limited.

IPPR Scotland has been working to broaden the focus and provide the evidence, ideas and action required to improve financial security in Scotland. Read more about their ideas:

Towards A Minimum Income Guarantee
Download report

Financial security in Scotland: responding to the coronavirus pandemic
Download report

Covid-19: How are families with children faring so far?
Read the blog

Statistic of the month

We funded Surviving Economic Abuse to monitor the economic abuse throughout the pandemic. They found 57% of victim-survivors of economic abuse said that their ability to seek help had been negatively impacted by lockdown and social distancing measures.

Read more: The Cost of Covid: Economic abuse throughout the pandemic

What we like this month

Key workers in the capital

Last year we funded the RSA to look into ways to increase economic security for key workers during the pandemic. Their latest report, out this month, focuses on London and calls on the next Mayor of London to set a wider definition of ‘key worker’ when prioritising affordable housing, and promise to freeze Transport for London fares for key workers in the capital.

Read more

We need your views

A team from the University of Edinburgh is looking at how to ease financial distress for those approaching retirement. The project, Older Workers’ Later Lives, would like to hear from you if your work brings you into contact with people who are in the decade before retirement.

Read the article on our website

SLF in the news

A small concession for self-employed people who were previously excluded from the SEISS scheme was made in the Budget last month
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Our CEO, Mubin Haq, commenting on the tragic news that 19 people who were excluded from government support have taken their lives
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Disabled mums three times more likely to have lost work amid pandemic
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