Nest Insight

Pension savings – the role of employers






June 2021 to March 2022

Grant Awarded



Project summary

Research to explore opportunities for voluntary increases in employer contributions to pensions and other financial workplace benefits.


Employees often save the minimum amount required into their pensions, not realising that the amount saved is unlikely to return an adequate income during retirement.

Employer contributions could play a significant role in boosting retirement income adequacy, and broader financial wellbeing. But current practice, employer attitudes and the scope for broader adoption of higher contributions and more innovative matching strategies are poorly understood.

Project overview

Nest Insight will conduct research to fill the gap in understanding of the potential impact of additional employer contributions in driving retirement income adequacy and financial wellbeing. This will include interviews with key stakeholders and a survey of employers.

The results of this research will contribute to industry and policymakers’ understanding of the extent to which the gap between current pension-savings levels and those needed to support adequate retirement incomes could be bridged by changes in employer contribution behaviours. It will also build awareness and consideration among employers of alternative pension contribution strategies that might support increased employee contributions and/or employee satisfaction/retention.